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Durham Pistol & Rifle Club
3973 S. Jim Minor Road Haw River, NC 27258

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Upcoming events

    • Thursday, February 13, 2025
    • Thursday, January 08, 2026
    • 12 sessions
    • Clubhouse

    Air Rifle and Air Pistol group meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the clubhouse from 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM.

    This group is open to the public.

    For more information contact John Book:

    • Saturday, February 15, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Clubhouse

    Board Meetings will take place in the clubhouse from 9:30 to 11:30

    • Saturday, February 15, 2025
    • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Clubhouse
    Registration is closed

    2025 Annual Meeting

    Be the first to know new information about Rules and Regulations, upcoming events, and meet the Board of Directors.  Q&A session will be held.

    Please be sure to register for this event to guarantee yourself a meal.  If you do not register, we cannot guarantee you a meal. 

    Lunch will be served at 11:30

    Annual Meeting will start at Noon.



    • Saturday, February 15, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Range 2 West / Right End
    Registration is closed

    Dear DPRC Members,
    As part of our commitment to providing you with the best possible shooting experience, we are excited to offer a Ransom Rest Demo & Orientation Class on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 1:30 PM, on Range 2 (West End), following the Membership and Board of Directors Meetings.

    The Ransom Master Series Combo Rest is a state-of-the-art tool available for member use to achieve unparalleled accuracy with handguns.

    What is a Ransom Rest?
    For those unfamiliar, the Ransom Rest is a precision device that secures and fires handguns while replicating the natural recoil and handling of a human hand. By eliminating human inconsistencies, it ensures reliable and repeatable accuracy for handgun testing and sighting. This industry-standard tool is perfect for anyone aiming to fine-tune their firearm performance.

    Benefits for Reloaders

    The Ransom Rest is an excellent resource for ammunition reloaders, allowing you to precisely evaluate and fine-tune your custom loads for optimal performance.

    Orientation Requirement

    To use the Ransom Rest, members are required to attend an orientation class. This ensures proper operation and maximizes the tool's effectiveness.

    Event Details
    What: Ransom Rest Demo & Orientation Class
    When: Saturday, February 15, 2025 @ 1:30 PM
    Where: West End of Range 2
    Instructor: Rick Miller, NRA Instructor

    Why Attend?
    This is a great opportunity to:
    Learn about the Ransom Rest's capabilities.
    Understand how to use it safely and effectively.
    Enhance your shooting precision and firearm testing.
    Gain valuable insights to improve your reloading accuracy.

    Important Notes:
    Cost: This class is offered to DPRC members at no charge.
    Registration: Pre-registration is required to attend.

    To secure your spot, or if you have any questions, please contact:
    Rick Miller
    NRA Instructor
    Phone: 919-616-1175
    We look forward to seeing you there!
    Best regards,
    Rick Miller

    • Thursday, February 20, 2025
    • Thursday, January 15, 2026
    • 12 sessions
    • Clubhouse

    Alamance Target Sports Club 007 (ATC007) invites youth and families to participate in Target Sports training and shooting. 

    ATC007 meets in the DPRC Clubhouse on the first and third Thursdays of each month.

    We sometimes meet on a weekend day for an extended range event or competition. Sometimes we meet offsite.

    ATC007 has this mission:  To grow, develop and train youth and families. We teach the knowledge, skills and attitude to promote safety, responsibility, fun, leadership and marksmanship – in that order.

    ATC007 is an inclusive club for males and females aged 12-25 and their families. The club aims to enable young adults and their families to:

    • Experience a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure.
    • Acquire skills in our specialty, shooting sports. 
    • Become a skilled training and program resource for other youth groups.
    • Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and learn to lead others. 
    • Learn to make ethical choices throughout their lives by instilling the highest values. 
    • Have a chance to learn and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment.
    Our leaders are NRA-certified instructors and Range Safety Officers. They have passed background checks and have completed Youth Protection Training. 
    • Saturday, February 22, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Clubhouse all day
    • 1


    The NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) program is designed to meet the demand for a nationally recognized range safety officer certification, equipping participants with the essential skills to ensure safe and effective range operations.  This course provides thorough training in the responsibilities of a Range Safety Officer, preparing you to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities.

    Course Overview:

    • Lesson I: Introduction to the NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course
    • Lesson II: The Role of the Range Safety Officer & Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    • Lesson III: Range Inspection and Range Rules
    • Lesson IV: Conducting a Range Safety Briefing
    • Lesson V: Emergency Procedures
    • Lesson VI: Live Fire Exercises and Demonstrations. 
    • Lesson VII: Test & Review
    • Various Exercises and Demonstrations

    Certification Requirements

    • Must be 21 years old or older.

    • Attend the entire course.

    • Participate in discussions and practical exercises.

    • Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to organize, conduct, and supervise safe shooting activities and range operations.

    • Achieve an examination score of 90% or higher.

    • Finalize credentialing at and pay required fees. 

    • NRA Membership is not required but does make the credentialing process easier.

    Course Details:

    • Time: 0800 AM - 5:30 PM (approximate)
    • Location: Durham Pistol and Rifle Club (DPRC) Classroom
    • Cost: $125.00 (Includes NRA RSO student study guide)

    What to bring: Note-taking materials

    What is Provided: 

    • Range Safety Officer packet with RSO Course Book.
    • NRA RSO Patch

    Important: No live ammunition is permitted in the classroom during this class.

    Additional Information:
    This class is primarily conducted within the clubhouse, with a range possibly used depending on weather and availability to simulate RSO activities in a range environment. Please dress accordingly for the weather on the day of the class.

    For more information or to register, contact: 

    Rick Miller, NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
    Phone: 919-616-1175
    • Saturday, February 22, 2025
    • 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Range 6
    • 12


    Classroom all day; Range Session in the afternoon.

    Sign up on the classroom event. 

    For more information please contact NRA Chief Range Safety Officer:

    Rick Miller


    To sign up you can register online or contact the instructor

    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • Clubhouse and Range 6

    This official NC CCH course includes an 8-hour session of classroom instruction and a separate live-fire portion. Learn the fundamentals of firearms safety, North Carolina concealed carry requirements, and handgun selection — plus need-to-know information on how to interact with law enforcement, NC Reciprocity laws, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice basic target accuracy. This course is required to apply for a North Carolina concealed carry certification permit.

    For more information, contact

    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Range 6

    This official NC CCH course includes an 8-hour session of classroom instruction and a separate live-fire portion. Learn the fundamentals of firearms safety, North Carolina concealed carry requirements, and handgun selection — plus need-to-know information on how to interact with law enforcement, NC Reciprocity laws, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice basic target accuracy. This course is required to apply for a North Carolina concealed carry certification permit.

    For more information, contact

    • Thursday, February 27, 2025
    • Thursday, January 22, 2026
    • 12 sessions
    • Clubhouse

    Air Rifle and Air Pistol group meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the clubhouse from 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM.

    This group is open to the public.

    For more information contact John Book:

    • Saturday, March 01, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    • Range 0
    • 12

    Tournament type: This is an informal match.  Scores will not be reported to any sanctioning body.

    Participants limited to 12.  

    Entry fee: $10.00 for juniors, club and non-club members.

    Waiver:  Waivers will need to be signed the day of the event.

    Awards: In lieu of awards, match proceeds, after expenses, will be donated to a Junior Rifle or Pistol Program.

    Check-in and registration:  8:00 AM.    Safety Brief:  8:45 AM.    Match begins:  9:00 AM.

    Preregistration: Squadding preference is given to those preregistered.

    Contact:  Joel King, the match director, via email at with any questions.

    Location & directions to range: 3973 S. JIM MINOR ROAD HAW RIVER, NC 27258

    Visit for driving directions. If you arrive before the access gate is open, please wait at the gate.

    Amenities: Restrooms are available in the clubhouse, Handicap accessible Port-a-Johns at the range.All matches to take place on Range 0.  The RANGES tab on the club home page  shows the location of Range 0.

    Competition is open to any eligible competitor - you need not be a member of the NRA, CMP or Durham Pistol and Rifle Club. Non-members must sign a liability waiver either as part of the on-line registration or at the match. Walk-ups are welcome. Priorities are given to those who pre-registered. Entries are limited to 12 competitors, per relay. Disabled competitors who cannot shoot from the prone position are accommodated by two benches. Eye and ear protection and Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI) are required.

    Any Rules not specifically addressed in the match program; the NRA Smallbore Rifle rules govern. Spotting scopes are authorized for all categories. Competitors may use wind indicating devices at the firing line. The match director will direct the placement of wind flags downrange. Depending on the number of competitors, scoring will occur after each stage or after the final stage. Competitors will score a neighboring target.

    Mini-Palma course of fire

    Competitors with either score targets following each stage or will be allocated a block time of 63 minutes to complete all stages before scoring to accommodate firing more than one relay.

    Stage 1: 3 minutes prep time, unlimited sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on an 800-yard target (reduced to 100). Once the shooter decides to shoot for record, they may no longer shoot sighters in this stage. 23 min. total time

    Stage 2: 3 minutes prep time, 2 sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on a 900-yard target (reduced to 100). Total 20 min.

    Stage 3: 3 minutes prep time, 2 sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on a 1000-yard target (reduced to 100). Total 20 min.

    Rifle/Shooter categories:

    TARGET: LR-S Mini-PALMA for all categories.

    PALMA CLASS: Palma Class rifles in .22 caliber LR (Long Rifle) rim-fire. Shooter is required to utilize the prone sling position as described in the NRA Rules for Smallbore competition. Iron sights only: Open sights or aperture (peep) sights. No rifle support is allowed.

    F-CLASS T/R: Rifles and Equipment as stated in the NRA F-Class T/R rules, except ammunition must be .22 caliber LR (rim-fire). Rifle may have iron sights or scope installed, a bi-pod may be attached to the rifle for support, and a rear support bag is authorized. Bi-pods are the ONLY allowed front support in F-Class T/R.

    F-CLASS OPEN: Rifles and Equipment as stated in the NRA F-Class Open rules, except ammunition must be .22 caliber LR (rim-fire). Rifle may have iron sights or scope installed. Shooters may use any front and/or rear rifle supporting device not attached to the rifle. Bi-pods are not allowed. A rear support bag is authorized.

    • Saturday, March 01, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Ranges 3, 4 and 5
    • 60

    Registration will open two weeks prior to each event.

    The Women of Steel meet monthly on the 1st Saturday.  We offer a wonderful time of learning and practice with other women to help you feel more confident handling and shooting your gun. Our aim is to help you be strong, prepared, and trained with your handgun.  Join us on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9 to noon for this event. You do not have to be a DPRC member to attend!

    Check-in opens at 8:30 AM and closes at 9 AM. We will meet at the Range.(straight back from gate, past the clubhouse, straight back.

    • Thursday, March 06, 2025
    • Thursday, February 05, 2026
    • 12 sessions
    • Clubhouse

    Alamance Target Sports Club 007 (ATC007) invites youth and families to participate in Target Sports training and shooting. 

    ATC007 meets in the DPRC Clubhouse on the first and third Thursdays of each month.

    We sometimes meet on a weekend day for an extended range event or competition. Sometimes we meet offsite.

    ATC007 has this mission:  To grow, develop and train youth and families. We teach the knowledge, skills and attitude to promote safety, responsibility, fun, leadership and marksmanship – in that order.

    ATC007 is an inclusive club for males and females aged 12-25 and their families. The club aims to enable young adults and their families to:

    • Experience a program that is fun and full of challenge and adventure.
    • Acquire skills in our specialty, shooting sports. 
    • Become a skilled training and program resource for other youth groups.
    • Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and learn to lead others. 
    • Learn to make ethical choices throughout their lives by instilling the highest values. 
    • Have a chance to learn and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment.
    Our leaders are NRA-certified instructors and Range Safety Officers. They have passed background checks and have completed Youth Protection Training. 
    • Saturday, March 08, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Ranges 0, 3, 4, and 5

    2-Gun Rimfire competitions are designed to be fun and safe shooting matches for the entire family. Incorporating both .22 LR pistols and rifles, courses of fire are created with safety as the top priority, but feature fun scenarios that meet any shooter’s skill level. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, 2-Gun Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends. 

    All match info and signup can be found at

    or like us on Facebook for up to date events

    Match signup found here

    • Sunday, March 09, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Range 0

    Precision Rimfire competitions are designed to provide a FUN, accessible, yet challenging rimfire precision match for both novice and experienced level shooters with varying types of rimfire rifles. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, Precision Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends.

    For more information, please go to the Precision Rimfire page located under the shooting Sports link on the DPRC website.

    Click here-----> Precision Rimfire

    • Sunday, March 09, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 9

    This class is for the North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun Certification

    Instructor: Xi Blue of BF Conditions

    • Tuesday, March 11, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Range 4 & 5

    Experimental New Match

    MEMBERS ONLY (with badges) - no guests or non-members. No exceptions.

    For full event details visit Action Pistol Match

    Contact with any questions or suggestions.

    • Friday, March 14, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • Clubhouse and Range 6

    This official NC CCH course includes an 8-hour session of classroom instruction and a separate live-fire portion. Learn the fundamentals of firearms safety, North Carolina concealed carry requirements, and handgun selection — plus need-to-know information on how to interact with law enforcement, NC Reciprocity laws, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice basic target accuracy. This course is required to apply for a North Carolina concealed carry certification permit.

    For more information, contact

    • Friday, March 14, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Range 6

    This official NC CCH course includes an 8-hour session of classroom instruction and a separate live-fire portion. Learn the fundamentals of firearms safety, North Carolina concealed carry requirements, and handgun selection — plus need-to-know information on how to interact with law enforcement, NC Reciprocity laws, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice basic target accuracy. This course is required to apply for a North Carolina concealed carry certification permit.

    For more information, contact

    • Saturday, March 15, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Clubhouse

    Board Meetings will take place in the clubhouse from 9:30 to 11:30

    • Sunday, March 16, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 2
    • 32

    An NRA Precision Pistol match is a three aggregate match, with 90 shots fired during each aggregate. One aggregate is fired with a .22 rimfire, one with any centerfire 32 caliber or larger, and one with a .45 caliber pistol.  Most competitors use two pistols, one .22 rimfire and one .45 ACP 1911-style, to shoot the entire match.  New competitors often us a 22 for the entire match to get the feel for how things work.  Most use semi-automatic pistols but revolvers can also be used. Slow fire will be at 50 yards using B-6 targets.  Timed and rapid fire will be at 25 yards on turning targets using B-8 targets.   Competitors may fire only one or two of the aggregates if time or physical constraints make this a better option.

    Sight in and practice begins at 9:45AM and the match begins 10:00.   This is an NRA Approved match.

    • Saturday, March 22, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • Classroom and Range 6
    • 20

    Classwork will be done in the classroom from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    Range 6 is reserved from 2:00 - 5:30 for a class event. 

    This is the class that is required in order to get your NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit.

    • There will be a minimum of 8 hours class time plus range qualification.
    • At least 2 hours will be spent on the legal block of instruction.
    • There will be a written test at the end of the instruction.
    • Students must pass a shooting proficiency exam with 10 rounds each at 3, 5, and 7 yards on a silhouette target with 70% shots on the target.
    • Cost of class:  $125.00 (paid in advance).  Lunch, CCH Class book, and notary service is included in the cost.
    • If you need to use my gun and ammo (22LR), there will be an additional $20.00 charge (paid in class).
    • Upon successful completion of the CCH class, you will receive your CCH certificate. There will be time to fill out your CCH application and have it notarized (if required by your county.) 
    • To sign up for this class, you can register online on the classroom event or contact the instructor.

    Todd Fitch

    Fitch Firearms Training, LLC

    Cell:  336-516-4084

    • Saturday, March 22, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 8

    NC CCH is a full-day class, from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    The class will start at 8:00 AM for classwork at an offsite location near DPRC. 

    In the afternoon, the class will travel to DPRC to do range work on DPRC's Range 8.

    This is the class you need to apply for a NC Concealed Carry Handgun permit. 

    Even if CCH permits are someday no longer required, it's an important class.

    • Students learn the laws concerning the use of deadly force; when and how it's permitted and how to use force legally and ethically. 
    • Students learn the laws concerning concealed carry; when and where carrying firearms is permitted and where it's forbidden. 
    • Students learn about firearms and ammunition, holsters and carry methods, safe and effective presentation from concealment, cleaning and maintenance, and more.
    • We'll prepare students to carry and use a defensive pistol safely, effectively, ethically and legally.
    • Cost is $110.00 if paid in advance. $125.00 if paid the day of class. 
    • To sign up, register online or contact Instructor 
    Bob Barr

    • Saturday, March 22, 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Range 6

    Classwork will be done in the classroom from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    Range 6 is reserved from 2:00 - 5:30 for a class event. 

    This is the class that is required in order to get your NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit.

    • There will be a minimum of 8 hours class time plus range qualification.
    • At least 2 hours will be spent on the legal block of instruction.
    • There will be a written test at the end of the instruction.
    • Students must pass a shooting proficiency exam with 10 rounds each at 3, 5, and 7 yards on a silhouette target with 70% shots on the target.
    • Cost of class:  $125.00 (paid in advance).  Lunch, CCH Class book, and notary service is included in the cost.
    • If you need to use my gun and ammo (22LR), there will be an additional $20.00 charge (paid in class).
    • Upon successful completion of the CCH class, you will receive your CCH certificate. There will be time to fill out your CCH application and have it notarized (if required by your county.) 
    • To sign up for this class, you can register online on the classroom event or contact the instructor.

    Todd Fitch

    Fitch Firearms Training, LLC

    Cell:  336-516-4084

    • Sunday, March 23, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Classroom
    • 5

    NRA Basics of Rifle Shooting Course
    Ready to build confidence and skills with your rifle? The NRA Basic Rifle Course is designed for shooters of all experience levels, from complete beginners to those looking to refresh their rifle fundamentals. Whether you're interested in hunting, home defense, or recreational shooting, this course will provide the essential skills to handle a rifle with safety and precision.

    Course Overview
    This one-day course combines both classroom instruction and hands-on range practice.

    You'll learn:

    • NRA’s essential rules for safe gun handling
    • Understanding rifle parts, operation, and ammunition
    • Core shooting fundamentals and range safety
    • Shooting from multiple positions: bench rest, prone, sitting, standing, and kneeling
    • Basics of rifle maintenance and cleaning
    • Continued pathways for developing marksmanship skills
    We provide .22LR rifles and ammunition for live-fire exercises.

    Students may also bring their own .22LR rifle with open sights or optics if preferred.

    What You’ll Receive

    • Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook
    • NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure
    • Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet
    • Completion certificate upon passing the Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination

    Course Structure
    The NRA Basic Rifle Course includes five in-depth lessons, structured to meet various learning needs. A break for lunch will be provided.
    • Lesson I: Rifle Knowledge and Safe Gun Handling
    • Lesson II: Ammunition Knowledge and Fundamentals of Rifle Shooting
    • Lesson III: Firing the First Shots
    • Lesson IV: Scoring Targets, Selecting, and Maintaining Your Rifle
    • Lesson V: Course Review and Examination
    Location: Durham Pistol & Rifle Club (DPRC) Classroom and Range 0
    Time: 8:00 am – approximately 5:00 pm
    Cost: $175 (includes .22LR rifle and ammo for live-fire practice)
    Age Requirement: 18 and older; juniors (ages 12-17) are welcome with a parent or guardian (parents attend for free with paid student registration). To register, please provide parent and junior student information via email.

    Qualification Opportunity: Shooters may qualify for an NRA Rimfire Rifle Patch by shooting in one of three courses: prone, benchrest, standing, or three-position (prone, standing, kneeling).

    Registration & Contact:
    For more information or to register, contact:
    Rick Miller, NRA Certified Rifle Instructor
    Phone: 919-616-1175

    Important: No live ammunition is permitted in the classroom under any circumstances.

    Join us to develop safe, confident, and effective shooting skills that will serve you well wherever your rifle journey takes you!
    • Sunday, March 23, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 7
    Registration is closed

    This Fun Shoot is open to club and non-club members.  Using single shot rifles like the “Springfield Trapdoor”, the 1874 Sharps, the Remington Rolling Blocks, Stevens, Ballards, Maynards, Winchester 1885 High Walls, etc.”, and of course reproductions of such representative of the 1860s to 1898.  There will also be separate divisions for lever guns, bolt and scoped rifles.   On lever and bolt guns ammo will be loaded one round at a time and fired one round at a time.

    Registration is $20.00

    The matches will be held on Range #7 and consist of steel and paper targets at 100, 200 and 300 yards. There will be 45 shots for score, with 30 shots on steel (1/2 scale NRA animals, chicken, pig, turkey and ram) and 15 shots on paper, with sighters on steel gongs and/or paper.

    Using Black Powder/ BP substitute or Smokeless powder (different divisions).   DUPLEX LOADS allowed as Smokeless, lead/lead alloy bullets, No jacketed bullets of any kind, No gas checks, No rear rifle bag/or rest allowed directly under the rifle stock.   Iron sights of the period and a scope class if participation warrants.  These will be of the period and/or reproductions on the single shot rifles.
    • Sunday, March 23, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 0

    NRA Basics of Rifle Shooting Course
    Ready to build confidence and skills with your rifle? The NRA Basic Rifle Course is designed for shooters of all experience levels, from complete beginners to those looking to refresh their rifle fundamentals. Whether you're interested in hunting, home defense, or recreational shooting, this course will provide the essential skills to handle a rifle with safety and precision.

    Course Overview
    This one-day course combines both classroom instruction and hands-on range practice.

    You'll learn:

    • NRA’s essential rules for safe gun handling
    • Understanding rifle parts, operation, and ammunition
    • Core shooting fundamentals and range safety
    • Shooting from multiple positions: bench rest, prone, sitting, standing, and kneeling
    • Basics of rifle maintenance and cleaning
    • Continued pathways for developing marksmanship skills
    We provide .22LR rifles and ammunition for live-fire exercises.

    Students may also bring their own .22LR rifle with open sights or optics if preferred.

    What You’ll Receive

    • Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook
    • NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure
    • Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet
    • Completion certificate upon passing the Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination
    Course Structure
    The NRA Basic Rifle Course includes five in-depth lessons, structured to meet various learning needs. A break for lunch will be provided.
    • Lesson I: Rifle Knowledge and Safe Gun Handling
    • Lesson II: Ammunition Knowledge and Fundamentals of Rifle Shooting
    • Lesson III: Firing the First Shots
    • Lesson IV: Scoring Targets, Selecting, and Maintaining Your Rifle
    • Lesson V: Course Review and Examination
    Location: Durham Pistol & Rifle Club (DPRC) Classroom and Range 0
    Time: 8:00 am – approximately 5:00 pm
    Cost: $175 (includes .22LR rifle and ammo for live-fire practice)
    Age Requirement: 18 and older; juniors (ages 12-17) are welcome with a parent or guardian (parents attend for free with paid student registration). To register, please provide parent and junior student information via email.

    Qualification Opportunity: Shooters may qualify for an NRA Rimfire Rifle Patch by shooting in one of three courses: prone, benchrest, standing, or three-position (prone, standing, kneeling).

    Registration & Contact:
    For more information or to register, contact:
    Rick Miller, NRA Certified Rifle Instructor
    Phone: 919-616-1175

    Important: No live ammunition is permitted in the classroom under any circumstances.

    Join us to develop safe, confident, and effective shooting skills that will serve you well wherever your rifle journey takes you!
    • Saturday, March 29, 2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • Sunday, March 30, 2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • Range 2 and Clubhouse
    • 7
    Bullseye/Precision Pistol Competition Training
    March 29 and 30, 2025

    Learn the skills of shooting the NRA/CMP Precision (Bullseye) Pistol discipline with 2 days of classroom instruction and hands-on range exercises with coaching by the experienced and accomplished pistol
    competitors of the NCRPA Pistol Team. This course is designed for new shooters and shooters who are already NRA/CMP classified Marksman or Sharpshooter. For new shooters, this type of
    competition is suited for people who are perfectionists, prefer activities like golf, or like mentally challenging activities. This course prepares the student to participate in CMP/NRA sanctioned
    precision pistol matches. The student must have experience in safe gun handling prior to attending this course.

    When: March 29, 2025 from 8:00 AM to 4 PM & March 30 from 8 AM to 5 PM.

    Where: Durham Pistol and Rifle Club, 3973 S Jim Minor Rd, Haw River, NC 27258-8728

    Cost: $50.00 for all students which includes lunch both days.   Payment is at the event.

    What to bring: 22 rimfire semi-auto pistol with 2 magazines or 22 rimfire revolver, 400 rounds of
    ammo, ear, eye protection, and empty chamber indicator. Spotting scope highly recommended.

    The program bulletin can be downloaded HERE.

    For more information or questions: Email Tom Willats,

    NOTE:  Payment will be at the event, not online.  For those not familiar with the registration system, when you get to a point where it looks like it wants you to pay, but there is no way, you are completed.  It should send  you a confirmation email.

    • Saturday, March 29, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Range 7
    • 20

    All matches to take place on Range 7.

    All DPRC HP matches are CMP sanctioned matches, meaning all scores are reported to the CMP.


    Please sign up thru

    Walk-ups are welcome. Priorities are given to those who pre-registered. Entries are limited to 20 shooters per match. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.

    $25.00 for club and non-club members.

    $20.00 for juniors.

    Check-in starts at 9:00 AM.   

    Safety Brief at 9:30 AM.   

    Sight in time starts at 9:45 AM.

    Match begins at 10:00 AM.

    80-Shot High Power course of fire:

    ** There will be one 15-20 min. sight-in period prior to the start of the match.

    Stage 1- 20 Shots standing/offhand in 20 min.

    Stage 2 - 10 Shots Rapid Sitting, from position, in 60 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 60 sec.  Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 3 - 10 Shots Rapid Prone, from position, in 70 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 70 sec. Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 4 - 20 Shots slow prone in 20 min.

    Matches usually run until approximately 2:00 PM.


    Competition is open to the public. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.


    Required Equipment: Hearing protection; eye protection. Rifle and ammunition.

    Highly Recommended Equipment:  It is desirable but not mandatory that each shooter consider Long sleeve shirt and long pants, hat, sunscreen, shooting mat or carpet (about 3′ x 6′), ammo for practice, food and drink.

    Directions to club and amenities

     Visit Contact page to get driving directions

     Download printable driving directions from Greensboro / Raleigh

     Soft drinks and Snacks are available for purchase in the clubhouse. 

     Restrooms are available in the clubhouse.

    Match Director

     Contact Dan Warren with any questions

    • Saturday, April 05, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Clubhouse & Range 2
    New Member Orientation Session

    Registrants will select their Group and time to arrive for orientation.

    • Saturday, April 05, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Ranges 3, 4 and 5
    • 60
    Registration is closed

    Registration will open two weeks prior to each event.

    The Women of Steel meet monthly on the 1st Saturday.  We offer a wonderful time of learning and practice with other women to help you feel more confident handling and shooting your gun. Our aim is to help you be strong, prepared, and trained with your handgun.  Join us on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9 to noon for this event. You do not have to be a DPRC member to attend!

    Check-in opens at 8:30 AM and closes at 9 AM. We will meet at the Range.(straight back from gate, past the clubhouse, straight back.

    • Tuesday, April 08, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Range 4 & 5

    Experimental New Match

    MEMBERS ONLY (with badges) - no guests or non-members. No exceptions.

    For full event details visit Action Pistol Match

    Contact with any questions or suggestions.

    • Friday, April 11, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Clubhouse all day
    Intermediate Reloading Course – Precision Reloading: Go Beyond the Basics
    Unleash Your Rifle's Full Potential

    Course Details
    * Duration: 8:00 am to 5:00pm
    * Cost: $250.00
    * Prerequisites: Completion of "NRA Basics of Metallic Cartridge Reloading" or
    equivalent reloading experience

    Course Overview
    Elevate your precision shooting skills! This advanced course is designed for shooters aiming to fine-tune their ammunition for high-performance rifles such as the 6.0 and 6.5 Creedmoor, .308, or .300 PRC. Learn to craft custom loads that bring out the very best in your rifle by focusing on advanced techniques in headspace optimization, bullet runout, neck tension, and more. Discover the science behind accuracy as you develop ammunition uniquely tailored to just your rifle.

    Hands-On Training Covers
    * Full-Length vs. Neck Sizing
    * Primer Pocket Deburring
    * Flash Hole Uniformity
    * Brass Annealing
    * Precision Bullet and Case Sorting
    * Case Trimming
    * Crafting “Fit for Purpose” Ammunition for .308 WIN and .223 REM

    Sponsored by Industry Leaders
    This course is proudly sponsored by top brands, including Hornady, AGS Customs, Berger Bullets, Starline Brass, Peterson Cartridge, and Hodgdon.

    Included Materials
    Each student will receive:

    * When Accuracy Matters Reloading Guide by David W. Johnson (a $79.99
    value) over 280 pages of advanced reloading information.
    * 2024 Hodgdon Reloading Manual

    Course Logistics
    Location: The Durham Pistol & Rifle Club Clubhouse
    Class Size: Limited to 2–5 students for personalized instruction

    Reserve Your Spot Today!
    Contact Rick Miller
    - 919-616-1175

    • Saturday, April 12, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Ranges 0, 3, 4, and 5

    2-Gun Rimfire competitions are designed to be fun and safe shooting matches for the entire family. Incorporating both .22 LR pistols and rifles, courses of fire are created with safety as the top priority, but feature fun scenarios that meet any shooter’s skill level. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, 2-Gun Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends. 

    All match info and signup can be found at

    or like us on Facebook for up to date events

    Match signup found here

    • Saturday, April 12, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • Clubhouse all day
    • 8

    NRA Basic Metallic Reloading Course

    Join us for the NRA Basic Metallic Reloading Course, where you'll gain essential knowledge, skills, and the right mindset to safely reload metallic cartridges. This comprehensive 8-hour course will be held at the DPRC Clubhouse and includes all necessary books, materials, and reloading components.

    Course Instructor:
    This course is taught by Rick Miller, an NRA Certified Instructor, ensuring you receive high-quality training and guidance throughout your learning experience.

    What You Will Receive:

    • NRA Guide to Reloading Handbook
    • Basic Reloading Student Exam
    • Course Completion Certificate
    • NRA Gun Safety Rules Brochure
    • NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program Booklet
    Course Highlights:
    The NRA Basic Metallic Reloading class covers the following key topics:
    • Introduction to Reloading & Safety: Understanding the fundamentals of safe reloading practices.
    • The Firing Process: Insight into how ammunition works.
    • The Reloading Process: Step-by-step guidance on reloading procedures.
    • Reasons for Reloading: Exploring the benefits and motivations behind reloading.
    • Fundamental Safety Rules: Essential safety guidelines for reloading.
    • Centerfire Cartridge Components: Detailed examination of cases, primers, powder, and bullets.
    • Proper Handling & Storage: Best practices for storing cartridge components.
    • Using the Reloading Manual: How to select loads and interpret reloading data.
    • Metallic Cartridge Reloading Equipment: Identifying necessary equipment and understanding its operation and maintenance.
    • Setting Up a Reloading Bench: Essential requirements for an effective reloading workspace.
    • Reloading Techniques: Hands-on instruction in the proper reloading methods.
    • Hygiene Guidelines: Safe handling of lead and reloading components.
    • Practical Exercises:
    --- Setting up and operating reloading equipment
    --- Creating a reloading data log and labels
    --- Reloading 9MM metallic cartridges

    Class Details:
    Time: 9:00 AM - 5:300 PM
    Cost: $150.00 (includes all books, materials, and reloading components)

    To register, please sign up online or contact the instructor:
    Rick Miller
    Phone: 919-616-1175

    Important: No firearms are permitted in the classroom!
    • Sunday, April 13, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Range 0

    Precision Rimfire competitions are designed to provide a FUN, accessible, yet challenging rimfire precision match for both novice and experienced level shooters with varying types of rimfire rifles. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, Precision Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends.

    For more information, please go to the Precision Rimfire page located under the shooting Sports link on the DPRC website.

    Click here-----> Precision Rimfire

    • Sunday, April 13, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 2
    • 33

    An NRA Precision Pistol match is a three aggregate match, with 90 shots fired during each aggregate. One aggregate is fired with a .22 rimfire, one with any centerfire 32 caliber or larger, and one with a .45 caliber pistol.  Most competitors use two pistols, one .22 rimfire and one .45 ACP 1911-style, to shoot the entire match.  New competitors often us a 22 for the entire match to get the feel for how things work.  Most use semi-automatic pistols but revolvers can also be used. Slow fire will be at 50 yards using B-6 targets.  Timed and rapid fire will be at 25 yards on turning targets using B-8 targets.   Competitors may fire only one or two of the aggregates if time or physical constraints make this a better option.

    Sight in and practice begins at 9:45AM and the match begins 10:00.   This is an NRA Approved match.

    • Saturday, April 19, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Range 7
    • 20

    All matches to take place on Range 7.

    All DPRC HP matches are CMP sanctioned matches, meaning all scores are reported to the CMP.


    Please sign up thru

    Walk-ups are welcome. Priorities are given to those who pre-registered. Entries are limited to 20 shooters per match. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.

    $25.00 for club and non-club members.

    $20.00 for juniors.

    Check-in starts at 9:00 AM.   

    Safety Brief at 9:30 AM.   

    Sight in time starts at 9:45 AM.

    Match begins at 10:00 AM.

    80-Shot High Power course of fire:

    ** There will be one 15-20 min. sight-in period prior to the start of the match.

    Stage 1- 20 Shots standing/offhand in 20 min.

    Stage 2 - 10 Shots Rapid Sitting, from position, in 60 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 60 sec.  Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 3 - 10 Shots Rapid Prone, from position, in 70 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 70 sec. Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 4 - 20 Shots slow prone in 20 min.

    Matches usually run until approximately 2:00 PM.


    Competition is open to the public. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.


    Required Equipment: Hearing protection; eye protection. Rifle and ammunition.

    Highly Recommended Equipment:  It is desirable but not mandatory that each shooter consider Long sleeve shirt and long pants, hat, sunscreen, shooting mat or carpet (about 3′ x 6′), ammo for practice, food and drink.

    Directions to club and amenities

     Visit Contact page to get driving directions

     Download printable driving directions from Greensboro / Raleigh

     Soft drinks and Snacks are available for purchase in the clubhouse. 

     Restrooms are available in the clubhouse.

    Match Director

     Contact Dan Warren with any questions

    • Saturday, April 26, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Clubhouse

    Board Meetings will take place in the clubhouse from 9:30 to 11:30

    • Sunday, April 27, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • Classroom and Range 6
    • 20

    Classwork will be done in the classroom from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    Range 6 is reserved from 2:00 - 5:30 for a class event. 

    This is the class that is required in order to get your NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit.

    • There will be a minimum of 8 hours class time plus range qualification.
    • At least 2 hours will be spent on the legal block of instruction.
    • There will be a written test at the end of the instruction.
    • Students must pass a shooting proficiency exam with 10 rounds each at 3, 5, and 7 yards on a silhouette target with 70% shots on the target.
    • Cost of class:  $125.00 (paid in advance).  Lunch, CCH Class book, and notary service is included in the cost.
    • If you need to use my gun and ammo (22LR), there will be an additional $20.00 charge (paid in class).
    • Upon successful completion of the CCH class, you will receive your CCH certificate. There will be time to fill out your CCH application and have it notarized (if required by your county.) 
    • To sign up for this class, you can register online on the classroom event or contact the instructor.

    Todd Fitch

    Fitch Firearms Training, LLC

    Cell:  336-516-4084

    • Sunday, April 27, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 7
    Registration is closed

    This Fun Shoot is open to club and non-club members.  Using single shot rifles like the “Springfield Trapdoor”, the 1874 Sharps, the Remington Rolling Blocks, Stevens, Ballards, Maynards, Winchester 1885 High Walls, etc.”, and of course reproductions of such representative of the 1860s to 1898.  There will also be separate divisions for lever guns, bolt and scoped rifles.   On lever and bolt guns ammo will be loaded one round at a time and fired one round at a time.

    Registration is $20.00

    The matches will be held on Range #7 and consist of steel and paper targets at 100, 200 and 300 yards. There will be 45 shots for score, with 30 shots on steel (1/2 scale NRA animals, chicken, pig, turkey and ram) and 15 shots on paper, with sighters on steel gongs and/or paper.

    Using Black Powder/ BP substitute or Smokeless powder (different divisions).   DUPLEX LOADS allowed as Smokeless, lead/lead alloy bullets, No jacketed bullets of any kind, No gas checks, No rear rifle bag/or rest allowed directly under the rifle stock.   Iron sights of the period and a scope class if participation warrants.  These will be of the period and/or reproductions on the single shot rifles.
    • Sunday, April 27, 2025
    • 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Range 6

    Classwork will be done in the classroom from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    Range 6 is reserved from 2:00 - 5:30 for a class event. 

    This is the class that is required in order to get your NC Concealed Carry Handgun Permit.

    • There will be a minimum of 8 hours class time plus range qualification.
    • At least 2 hours will be spent on the legal block of instruction.
    • There will be a written test at the end of the instruction.
    • Students must pass a shooting proficiency exam with 10 rounds each at 3, 5, and 7 yards on a silhouette target with 70% shots on the target.
    • Cost of class:  $125.00 (paid in advance).  Lunch, CCH Class book, and notary service is included in the cost.
    • If you need to use my gun and ammo (22LR), there will be an additional $20.00 charge (paid in class).
    • Upon successful completion of the CCH class, you will receive your CCH certificate. There will be time to fill out your CCH application and have it notarized (if required by your county.) 
    • To sign up for this class, you can register online on the classroom event or contact the instructor.

    Todd Fitch

    Fitch Firearms Training, LLC

    Cell:  336-516-4084

    • Saturday, May 03, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Ranges 3, 4 and 5
    • 60
    Registration is closed

    Registration will open two weeks prior to each event.

    The Women of Steel meet monthly on the 1st Saturday.  We offer a wonderful time of learning and practice with other women to help you feel more confident handling and shooting your gun. Our aim is to help you be strong, prepared, and trained with your handgun.  Join us on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9 to noon for this event. You do not have to be a DPRC member to attend!

    Check-in opens at 8:30 AM and closes at 9 AM. We will meet at the Range.(straight back from gate, past the clubhouse, straight back.

    • Saturday, May 10, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Ranges 0, 3, 4, and 5

    2-Gun Rimfire competitions are designed to be fun and safe shooting matches for the entire family. Incorporating both .22 LR pistols and rifles, courses of fire are created with safety as the top priority, but feature fun scenarios that meet any shooter’s skill level. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, 2-Gun Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends. 

    All match info and signup can be found at

    or like us on Facebook for up to date events

    Match signup found here

    • Sunday, May 11, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Range 0

    Precision Rimfire competitions are designed to provide a FUN, accessible, yet challenging rimfire precision match for both novice and experienced level shooters with varying types of rimfire rifles. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, Precision Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends.

    For more information, please go to the Precision Rimfire page located under the shooting Sports link on the DPRC website.

    Click here-----> Precision Rimfire

    • Tuesday, May 13, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Range 4 & 5

    Experimental New Match

    MEMBERS ONLY (with badges) - no guests or non-members. No exceptions.

    For full event details visit Action Pistol Match

    Contact with any questions or suggestions.

    • Saturday, May 17, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Clubhouse

    Board Meetings will take place in the clubhouse from 9:30 to 11:30

    • Saturday, May 17, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    • Range 7
    • 20

    All matches to take place on Range 7.

    All DPRC HP matches are CMP sanctioned matches, meaning all scores are reported to the CMP.


    Please sign up thru

    Walk-ups are welcome. Priorities are given to those who pre-registered. Entries are limited to 20 shooters per match. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.

    $25.00 for club and non-club members.

    $20.00 for juniors.

    Check-in starts at 9:00 AM.   

    Safety Brief at 9:30 AM.   

    Sight in time starts at 9:45 AM.

    Match begins at 10:00 AM.

    80-Shot High Power course of fire:

    ** There will be one 15-20 min. sight-in period prior to the start of the match.

    Stage 1- 20 Shots standing/offhand in 20 min.

    Stage 2 - 10 Shots Rapid Sitting, from position, in 60 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 60 sec.  Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 3 - 10 Shots Rapid Prone, from position, in 70 sec. Fired 2 then 8 in 70 sec. Repeated for a total of 20 shots.

    Stage 4 - 20 Shots slow prone in 20 min.

    Matches usually run until approximately 2:00 PM.


    Competition is open to the public. Please contact match director prior to registering if you have no match experience.


    Required Equipment: Hearing protection; eye protection. Rifle and ammunition.

    Highly Recommended Equipment:  It is desirable but not mandatory that each shooter consider Long sleeve shirt and long pants, hat, sunscreen, shooting mat or carpet (about 3′ x 6′), ammo for practice, food and drink.

    Directions to club and amenities

     Visit Contact page to get driving directions

     Download printable driving directions from Greensboro / Raleigh

     Soft drinks and Snacks are available for purchase in the clubhouse. 

     Restrooms are available in the clubhouse.

    Match Director

     Contact Dan Warren with any questions

    • Sunday, May 18, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 2
    • 31

    An NRA Precision Pistol match is a three aggregate match, with 90 shots fired during each aggregate. One aggregate is fired with a .22 rimfire, one with any centerfire 32 caliber or larger, and one with a .45 caliber pistol.  Most competitors use two pistols, one .22 rimfire and one .45 ACP 1911-style, to shoot the entire match.  New competitors often us a 22 for the entire match to get the feel for how things work.  Most use semi-automatic pistols but revolvers can also be used. Slow fire will be at 50 yards using B-6 targets.  Timed and rapid fire will be at 25 yards on turning targets using B-8 targets.   Competitors may fire only one or two of the aggregates if time or physical constraints make this a better option.

    Sight in and practice begins at 9:45AM and the match begins 10:00.   This is an NRA Approved match.

    • Saturday, May 24, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Clubhouse all day
    • 5

    Intermediate Reloading Course – Precision Reloading: Go Beyond the Basics
    Unleash Your Rifle's Full Potential

    Course Details
    * Duration: 8:00 am to 5:00pm
    * Cost: $250.00
    * Prerequisites: Completion of "NRA Basics of Metallic Cartridge Reloading" or
    equivalent reloading experience

    Course Overview
    Elevate your precision shooting skills! This advanced course is designed for shooters aiming to fine-tune their ammunition for high-performance rifles such as the 6.0 and 6.5 Creedmoor, .308, or .300 PRC. Learn to craft custom loads that bring out the very best in your rifle by focusing on advanced techniques in headspace optimization, bullet runout, neck tension, and more. Discover the science behind accuracy as you develop ammunition uniquely tailored to just your rifle.

    Hands-On Training Covers
    * Full-Length vs. Neck Sizing
    * Primer Pocket Deburring
    * Flash Hole Uniformity
    * Brass Annealing
    * Precision Bullet and Case Sorting
    * Case Trimming
    * Crafting “Fit for Purpose” Ammunition for .308 WIN and .223 REM

    Sponsored by Industry Leaders
    This course is proudly sponsored by top brands, including Hornady, AGS Customs, Berger Bullets, Starline Brass, Peterson Cartridge, and Hodgdon.

    Included Materials
    Each student will receive:

    * When Accuracy Matters Reloading Guide by David W. Johnson (a $79.99
    value) over 280 pages of advanced reloading information.
    * 2024 Hodgdon Reloading Manual

    Course Logistics
    Location: The Durham Pistol & Rifle Club Clubhouse
    Class Size: Limited to 2–5 students for personalized instruction

    Reserve Your Spot Today!
    Contact Rick Miller
    - 919-616-1175

    • Saturday, May 24, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 6

    NC CCH is a full-day class, from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    The class will start at 8:00 AM for classwork at an offsite location near DPRC. 

    In the afternoon, the class will travel to DPRC to do range work on DPRC's Range 6.

    This is the class you need to apply for a NC Concealed Carry Handgun permit. 

    Even if CCH permits are someday no longer required, it's an important class.

    • Students learn the laws concerning the use of deadly force; when and how it's permitted and how to use force legally and ethically. 
    • Students learn the laws concerning concealed carry; when and where carrying firearms is permitted and where it's forbidden. 
    • Students learn about firearms and ammunition, holsters and carry methods, safe and effective presentation from concealment, cleaning and maintenance, and more.
    • We'll prepare students to carry and use a defensive pistol safely, effectively, ethically and legally.
    • Cost is $110.00 if paid in advance. $125.00 if paid the day of class. 
    • To sign up, register online or contact Instructor 
    Bob Barr

    • Sunday, May 25, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 7
    Registration is closed

    This Fun Shoot is open to club and non-club members.  Using single shot rifles like the “Springfield Trapdoor”, the 1874 Sharps, the Remington Rolling Blocks, Stevens, Ballards, Maynards, Winchester 1885 High Walls, etc.”, and of course reproductions of such representative of the 1860s to 1898.  There will also be separate divisions for lever guns, bolt and scoped rifles.   On lever and bolt guns ammo will be loaded one round at a time and fired one round at a time.

    Registration is $20.00

    The matches will be held on Range #7 and consist of steel and paper targets at 100, 200 and 300 yards. There will be 45 shots for score, with 30 shots on steel (1/2 scale NRA animals, chicken, pig, turkey and ram) and 15 shots on paper, with sighters on steel gongs and/or paper.

    Using Black Powder/ BP substitute or Smokeless powder (different divisions).   DUPLEX LOADS allowed as Smokeless, lead/lead alloy bullets, No jacketed bullets of any kind, No gas checks, No rear rifle bag/or rest allowed directly under the rifle stock.   Iron sights of the period and a scope class if participation warrants.  These will be of the period and/or reproductions on the single shot rifles.
    • Saturday, May 31, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    • DPRC Clubhouse and Range 6

    The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting (BOPS) Course is a one-day class, teaching the basics of using pistols.

    Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting Handbook and certificate upon completion of the class.

    Open to the public.

    Cost: $165.00

    Registration opens 30 days prior to class and is first-come, first-served.

    Registration limited to 6 students.

    Chief Instructor: Tony Benedict

    Email Tony for registration:

    The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course covers the following topics:

    -Basic Firearm Safety

    -Safe Firearm Storage

    -Pistol Parts and How They Work

    -Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work

    -Operating Double and Single Action Semi-Automatic Pistols

    -Revolver Parts and How They Work

    -Operating Double and Single Action Revolvers

    -Ammunition Fundamentals

    -Popular Pistol Cartridges

    -Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

    -Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Position

    -Different Shooting Positions

    -Common Pistol Shooting Errors

    -Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages

    -Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

    -Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol

    -Pistol Shooting Activities and Skill Development

    The cost will be $165.00/student (plus non-refundable processing fee). Included in the cost is:

    -The class

    -NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting book (students keep)

    -Pistol and ammo provided for live fire (.22 caliber)

    -Eye protection and hearing protection

    -Use of the range

    • Saturday, May 31, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • Range 6

    The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting (BOPS) Course is a one-day class, teaching the basics of using pistols.

    Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting Handbook and certificate upon completion of the class.

    Open to the public.

    Cost: $165.00

    Registration opens 30 days prior to class and is first-come, first-served.

    Registration limited to 6 students.

    Chief Instructor: Tony Benedict

    Email Tony for registration:

    The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course covers the following topics:

    -Basic Firearm Safety

    -Safe Firearm Storage

    -Pistol Parts and How They Work

    -Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work

    -Operating Double and Single Action Semi-Automatic Pistols

    -Revolver Parts and How They Work

    -Operating Double and Single Action Revolvers

    -Ammunition Fundamentals

    -Popular Pistol Cartridges

    -Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

    -Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Position

    -Different Shooting Positions

    -Common Pistol Shooting Errors

    -Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages

    -Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

    -Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol

    -Pistol Shooting Activities and Skill Development

    The cost will be $165.00/student (plus non-refundable processing fee). Included in the cost is:

    -The class

    -NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting book (students keep)

    -Pistol and ammo provided for live fire (.22 caliber)

    -Eye protection and hearing protection

    -Use of the range

    • Saturday, June 07, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Ranges 3, 4 and 5
    • 60
    Registration is closed

    Registration will open two weeks prior to each event.

    The Women of Steel meet monthly on the 1st Saturday.  We offer a wonderful time of learning and practice with other women to help you feel more confident handling and shooting your gun. Our aim is to help you be strong, prepared, and trained with your handgun.  Join us on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9 to noon for this event. You do not have to be a DPRC member to attend!

    Check-in opens at 8:30 AM and closes at 9 AM. We will meet at the Range.(straight back from gate, past the clubhouse, straight back.

    • Sunday, June 08, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • Range 0

    Precision Rimfire competitions are designed to provide a FUN, accessible, yet challenging rimfire precision match for both novice and experienced level shooters with varying types of rimfire rifles. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, Precision Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends.

    For more information, please go to the Precision Rimfire page located under the shooting Sports link on the DPRC website.

    Click here-----> Precision Rimfire

    • Tuesday, June 10, 2025
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Range 4 & 5

    Experimental New Match

    MEMBERS ONLY (with badges) - no guests or non-members. No exceptions.

    For full event details visit Action Pistol Match

    Contact with any questions or suggestions.

    • Saturday, June 14, 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Ranges 0, 3, 4, and 5

    2-Gun Rimfire competitions are designed to be fun and safe shooting matches for the entire family. Incorporating both .22 LR pistols and rifles, courses of fire are created with safety as the top priority, but feature fun scenarios that meet any shooter’s skill level. Whether you are new to shooting, or have become a seasoned pro, 2-Gun Rimfire matches will be an entertaining experience for you, your family members, and friends. 

    All match info and signup can be found at

    or like us on Facebook for up to date events

    Match signup found here

    • Sunday, June 15, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • Range 2 and Clubhouse
    • 32

    The clubhouse will be in use ALL DAY during this event.  

    North Carolina Shooting Sports Games and NRA Regional Match.   EIC, 22 Rimfire EIC & (NRA) DR relays will be held after completion of the 2700.   This is an NRA Registered match.   There will NOT be any sight in practice session before the match.

    As part of the North Carolina Shooting Sports Games, gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each classification.   A gold medal will be awarded to high woman, high junior, high senior, high grand senior, and high 22 only.

    Lunch will be served to registered competitors.

    NOTE:  CMP rules for 2023 now allow "any safe ammunition" to be used in all pistol matches.  Jacketed ammo is no longer required for service pistol.  For more info and other changes read the rules at:

    **Range 2 from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 

    **Clubhouse from 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

    • Sunday, June 15, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Range 9

    This class is for the North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun Certification

    Instructor: Xi Blue of BF Conditions

    • Thursday, June 19, 2025