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Durham Pistol & Rifle Club
3973 S. Jim Minor Road Haw River, NC 27258

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Mini-Palma (.22 LR) - March 1, 2025

  • Saturday, March 01, 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Range 0
  • 12


Tournament type: This is an informal match.  Scores will not be reported to any sanctioning body.

Participants limited to 12.  

Entry fee: $10.00 for juniors, club and non-club members.

Waiver:  Waivers will need to be signed the day of the event.

Awards: In lieu of awards, match proceeds, after expenses, will be donated to a Junior Rifle or Pistol Program.

Check-in and registration:  8:00 AM.    Safety Brief:  8:45 AM.    Match begins:  9:00 AM.

Preregistration: Squadding preference is given to those preregistered.

Contact:  Joel King, the match director, via email at with any questions.

Location & directions to range: 3973 S. JIM MINOR ROAD HAW RIVER, NC 27258

Visit for driving directions. If you arrive before the access gate is open, please wait at the gate.

Amenities: Restrooms are available in the clubhouse, Handicap accessible Port-a-Johns at the range.All matches to take place on Range 0.  The RANGES tab on the club home page  shows the location of Range 0.

Competition is open to any eligible competitor - you need not be a member of the NRA, CMP or Durham Pistol and Rifle Club. Non-members must sign a liability waiver either as part of the on-line registration or at the match. Walk-ups are welcome. Priorities are given to those who pre-registered. Entries are limited to 12 competitors, per relay. Disabled competitors who cannot shoot from the prone position are accommodated by two benches. Eye and ear protection and Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI) are required.

Any Rules not specifically addressed in the match program; the NRA Smallbore Rifle rules govern. Spotting scopes are authorized for all categories. Competitors may use wind indicating devices at the firing line. The match director will direct the placement of wind flags downrange. Depending on the number of competitors, scoring will occur after each stage or after the final stage. Competitors will score a neighboring target.

Mini-Palma course of fire

Competitors with either score targets following each stage or will be allocated a block time of 63 minutes to complete all stages before scoring to accommodate firing more than one relay.

Stage 1: 3 minutes prep time, unlimited sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on an 800-yard target (reduced to 100). Once the shooter decides to shoot for record, they may no longer shoot sighters in this stage. 23 min. total time

Stage 2: 3 minutes prep time, 2 sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on a 900-yard target (reduced to 100). Total 20 min.

Stage 3: 3 minutes prep time, 2 sighters, then 15 shots for record from prone on a 1000-yard target (reduced to 100). Total 20 min.

Rifle/Shooter categories:

TARGET: LR-S Mini-PALMA for all categories.

PALMA CLASS: Palma Class rifles in .22 caliber LR (Long Rifle) rim-fire. Shooter is required to utilize the prone sling position as described in the NRA Rules for Smallbore competition. Iron sights only: Open sights or aperture (peep) sights. No rifle support is allowed.

F-CLASS T/R: Rifles and Equipment as stated in the NRA F-Class T/R rules, except ammunition must be .22 caliber LR (rim-fire). Rifle may have iron sights or scope installed, a bi-pod may be attached to the rifle for support, and a rear support bag is authorized. Bi-pods are the ONLY allowed front support in F-Class T/R.

F-CLASS OPEN: Rifles and Equipment as stated in the NRA F-Class Open rules, except ammunition must be .22 caliber LR (rim-fire). Rifle may have iron sights or scope installed. Shooters may use any front and/or rear rifle supporting device not attached to the rifle. Bi-pods are not allowed. A rear support bag is authorized.

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