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Durham Pistol & Rifle Club
3973 S. Jim Minor Road Haw River, NC 27258

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NC CCH (Barr) - Range 6

  • Saturday, May 24, 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Range 6


  • RSO with an active certification on file with DPRC


NC CCH is a full-day class, from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

The class will start at 8:00 AM for classwork at an offsite location near DPRC. 

In the afternoon, the class will travel to DPRC to do range work on DPRC's Range 6.

This is the class you need to apply for a NC Concealed Carry Handgun permit. 

Even if CCH permits are someday no longer required, it's an important class.

  • Students learn the laws concerning the use of deadly force; when and how it's permitted and how to use force legally and ethically. 
  • Students learn the laws concerning concealed carry; when and where carrying firearms is permitted and where it's forbidden. 
  • Students learn about firearms and ammunition, holsters and carry methods, safe and effective presentation from concealment, cleaning and maintenance, and more.
  • We'll prepare students to carry and use a defensive pistol safely, effectively, ethically and legally.
  • Cost is $110.00 if paid in advance. $125.00 if paid the day of class. 
  • To sign up, register online or contact Instructor 
Bob Barr

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